

To be a community that provides all the help required to those willing to work toward self-sufficiency; anyone who wants help will receive help!


Advance provides pathways to recovery that create self-esteem, dignity, and independence for people experiencing homelessness.

Advance helps individuals focus on recovery from harmful behaviors while gaining livable wage employment to move into independent housing. We focus on a whole person approach to rebounding from homelessness and achieving the highest level of self-sufficiency!

Who We Serve

Aurora Homeless

  • Men
  • Women
  • Couples
  • Families

Addictive & unhealthy behaviors

What We Provide

Commitment toward self-sufficiency

Transitional housing

Structure & Community

Wrap-around support

  • Health
  • Employemnt
  • Recovery

Our Intended Impact

Permanent housing
Livable wage
Long-term self-sufficiency

Big Picture Impact

Reducing adult homelessness in Aurora, CO by providing an effective ecosystem of wrap around services directly from Support Coaches and indirectly via referrals to quality nonprofit partner services.

We aspire to be the choice for a uniquely supportive transition from homelessness to long-term sustainability. Many services will be provided onsite and will be the appropriate match for the person who has the motivation to create a new trajectory for their life off the streets. A successful transition is a Community Member who has safe housing while maintaining steady employment, developing a career path, and actively working a personal plan of recovery toward self-sufficiency.

Who We Are

We are a passionate team who believe homelessness should not define the future of adults living on the streets, but instead informs their next decision to create a different path. This path begins with the choice to change their mindset, focus on recovery and resilience.

We are committed to supporting a person for as long as it takes to achieve the highest possible level of self-sufficiency.

Our Board of Directors and staff have direct personal experience with addiction recovery, homelessness, and supporting individuals in discovering new pathways to maintain momentum in improving their lives.

We believe in the perseverance, resilience, and capacity of the human spirit to overcome any challenge. This is possible when there is a community of support who will always believe in the potential for life-long fulfillment of joy and hope.

Meet the Team


 Jim Goebelbecker

Jim Goebelbecker

Executive Director

 Jacob merrion

Jacob merrion

Program Director

Alex Baldassare

Alex Baldassare

Assistant Program Director

Levi Secrest

Levi Secrest

Support Coach

I hope that each Community Member will be able to say that Advance genuinely fought for them and their future. I hope that each of them will be able to say that Advance helped them get their lives back and now they are thriving.
Carson Haney

Carson Haney

Support Coach

I want to inspire hope in our Community Members that they may see the value of their lives and embrace their potential.
Joe Manzanares

Joe Manzanares

Support Coach

My hope for the Community Members is to equip them with the tools they need to succeed and feel inspired to thrive in life.


 Owen McAleer

Owen McAleer

Board Chairman

Sr. Grants Program Officer, Daniels Fund

 Paul Scudo

Paul Scudo

Board Member

Chief Executive Officer, Step Denver

 Jeff Parker

Jeff Parker

Board Secretary


 Kelsey Nolan

Kelsey Nolan

Board Member

President & CEO, Dakota Foundation

 Meghan Shay

Meghan Shay

Board Member

Executive Director, Step Denver